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Peter's Script-Archive - HTML

Commands dealing with HTML. Most of these are pretty ancient, but sometimes still surprisingly useful.

Major Commands (early 90's style)

Git View of this section / Download

Of course, there are better ways than an early 90's mix of code riddled with html scraps. Think e.g. MVC and templates and we've advanced to the late 90's: dir2array just guts the convoluted (and inherently buggy aka "heuristic") dir2html.pl and stops after collecting the filelist information. Feed that to an embperl template (gitfilelist.epl), and include that template from any phtml page requiring a filelist. Way more flexible/extensible, dreamy to maintain, less buggy and shorter to boot.

The directory dir.dir2array contains the early August '09 embperl templates (incl. gitfilelist.epl) for my github site as well as the script to statically translate the embperl pages to plain html, copy files contents as specified by a tree of symlinks, commit them to a local git and finally push the differences to github. Note that commandline embperl invoked from embpexec isn't quite as modern and comfortable as embperl running within the webserver: this affects both invoking embperl and the searching/loading of baseclass templates.

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jakobi(at)acm.org, 2009-07 - 2012-03