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Peter's Script-Archive - System-Administration / Editing

Most of my old admin stuff is way too specific. Or else its waiting for a rewrite before being using again (all the while hoping to stay retired as soon as a suitable group-maintained pendant can be found :)).

The system flight recorder editor project sfre is a slightly different case, it's an itch from previous projects, where being unable to ask a collegue (night-time, holidays, whatever) repeatedly lead to time-consuming double-checks. Now wouldn't it be nice to find such information about already execute tasks, changes and modifications in a single location on the system in question; possibly regularly also archived on a central server by cron? Note that sfre substitutes for a versioning system or a tool like cfengine only in the most trivial of cases; it's real purpose is to complement proper system management tools, and in addition provide a fail-safe for those dusty corners for which use of proper tools like cfengine has been postponed and "will be implemented as soon when we have some free time". Read: probably not before a fresh install of the problem system in question, and certainly not when doing that in a hurry...

I'm currently using sfre as $EDITOR, $VISUAL and as a replacement for vi (albeit with a call to the real vi later on); it's quite painful to be asked all the time for sane log messages when opening a vi without files or doing a git commit. This translates into a growing list of changes like implementing a command blacklist for file locking and journaling. For now it's still a bit too annoying to be used for accounts other than root.


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jakobi(at)acm.org, 2009-07 - 2012-03